On June 11th, Ontario’s mask mandate expired (with certain exceptions). Below are FAQs on how it will affect your massage treatment.
Q. Am I required to wear a mask during treatment?
A. No
Q. Can I continue to wear a mask during treatment?
A. Yes. No explanation needed unless something has changed with the status of your health, which you need to tell me anyway in order to be safely treated.
Q. Do I have to ask you, my therapist, if I want you to wear a mask?
A. Never. If you answer the door wearing a mask, I will wear a mask. No questions asked.
Q. Will you, as a massage therapist, continue to wear a mask in your practice?
A. I will always wear a mask when you are wearing one. I may chose to continue to wear a mask even if you are not. I may have a sick child at home and don’t want to spread the virus to you, or for other reasons. Please do not be offended by this. I may chose not to wear a mask when you are not wearing one. The nice weather is here and sometimes treatment are performed outdoors, in gazebos, on patios, etc.
Q. Are you, as my therapist, fully vaccinated?
A. Yes. And I continue to get boosters of all vaccines, as recommended by the Ministry of Health.
Q. Do I still need to complete a COVID screening?
A. No. I will no longer be sending a COVID screening prior to your treatment. However, if you or anyone in your household is sick with ANY communicable disease, cold, gastro, or flu please let me know as soon as possible and we will reschedule your appointment.
I want everyone to feel comfortable in their choice to wear a mask or not, without judgement.